(i) K-WIRING - Principles and Techniques
(ii) Clinical Assessment & Examination In Orthopaedics
Tags : Robotic Knee Replacement | Robotic Knee Replacement in Coimbatore | Knee Replacement in Coimbatore
MS (Orth), Dip NB(Orth), FRCS(Ed), MChOrth (Liverpool) FRCS Trauma & Orth (UK), Ph D, D Sc(Orth)
Chief Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon Professor and Head of Department of Orthopaedics REX ORTHO HOSPITAL (Post Graduate Institute of Orthopaedics)
(i) K-WIRING - Principles and Techniques
(ii) Clinical Assessment & Examination In Orthopaedics
Asia Pacific Arthroplasty meet ,
Indo Korean Orthroplasty and arthroscopy meet,
Indian Arthroplasty conference,
AO Nailing & introductory basic course ,
International Trauma conference,
Workshop on joint replacements & Orthofix fixator Read More
DSc degree 2012 (Victoria Global University,
Turks and Caicos)
Ph D degree 2011 (Victoria Global University,
Turks and Caicos )
MCh Orth exam 1998 (University of Liverpool )
MS Ortho exam 1993 (Mahatma Gandhi University,
Kottayam )